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Wooden toys post Covid-19 era :Fun way of learning and development

October 2022 | Priyanka Saklecha

It’s no secret that the pandemic has forced many parents to get creative with their kids’ entertainment. With schools and daycares closed, and social gatherings restricted, parents have had to come up with ways to keep their kids occupied at home. One popular solution has been to buy them wooden toys!

Toddler playing with wooden toys

 The benefits of wooden toys

 As we all know, the world has been through a lot lately. We are all struggling to find our new normal and our children are no different. One thing that has brought some stability and happiness back into our lives is wooden toys.

 baby gym toddler playing

Wooden toys are classic for a reason: they're durable, safe, and (most importantly) fun! Here are just a few of the benefits of wooden toys that have made them even more popular in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic: 

  1. Wooden toys are safe for kids of all ages. Unlike plastic toys which can contain harmful chemicals, wooden toys are made from natural materials that are safe for your child to play with. 
  1. Wooden toys are built to last. With proper care, your child's wooden toy can be passed down to future generations. 
  1. Wooden toys encourage creativity and imagination. There are no rules when it comes to playing with wooden toys - your child can use them however they want! 
  1. Wooden toys are eco-friendly. Because they are made from natural materials, wooden toys can be recycled or composted at the end of their lifespan.
  1. Wooden toys promote fine motor skills. Manipulating

 The different types of wooden toys

There are a few different types of wooden toys available. The most popular type is the building block toy. These come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be used to create all sorts of structures. Other popular wooden toys include pull toys, cars, trains, and puzzles. Same can be explore on LittleOk online store.

Wooden toys are a great alternative to plastic toys for a number of reasons. They are durable, eco-friendly, and safe for children to play with. With so many different types of wooden toys available, there is sure to be something to suit every child’s interests and abilities.


With the recent outbreak of Covid-19, many parents are looking for ways to keep their children entertained while avoiding large groups of people. One great option is wooden toys. Wooden toys are not only durable and safe for children, but they can also provide hours of fun and learning. If you're looking for an alternative to plastic toys, be sure to check out our selection of wooden toys.